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Loofah Sponge

Whole Loofah Scrubber

Single Layer Loofah Scrubber


These fully compostable sponges and scrubbers are a simple and effective switch from plastic-based sponges and cleaning pads, with no fear of scratching delicate surfaces.


The Loofah Sponge has two layers of natural unbleached loofah sewn together and expands the first time it's wet. The Whole Loofah Scrubber is the unaltered dried insides of a loofah gourd. The Single Layer Loofah Scrubber is a flattened loofah with a natural underside which will expand and arch when wet. All become flexible for use when wet!


The possible uses for these sponges and scrubbers are almost endless!


🚽 Pairing any of these with Solid Dish Soap provides endless cleaning options around the house, including the bathroom, and outdoors. Whatever you'd usually use a sponge for, these are up for the job!


🍏 Use any of these for cleaning hearty fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots and potatoes.


Sustainable living one choice at a time!


Click on the drop down "Product" menu to see pictures and prices of each sponge and scrubber.




A Note About Eco Sponges


Have you heard of the term “greenwashing”? This is when ads or other forms of marketing deceptively aim to persuade you into thinking products are environmentally friendly. As consumers are looking more and more for products that are good for the environment and not wasteful (way to go everyone!!!), greenwashing is rampant and can be very difficult to figure out.


I was frustrated to recently find out I had been tricked by greenwashing in regards to my Eco Sponges. I discovered they are not just made from sisal and wood pulp as I had been told, but also contain some polyester silk and because of this are not fully compostable. When even small amounts of polyester fibers break down into microplastics, it is damaging to our ecosystem - both land and water - and because of this can be harmful to our bodies as well.


Although these sponges are still a better environmental choice than conventional plastic sponges, I have pulled them and am looking for a fully compostable alternative. I have also probed deeper into my other products to make sure everything is as I thought it was. It’s all a process, learning what to look for and what questions to ask, and now I’m better armed for the future. My goal is always to provide you with products you can have full confidence in, products that are not harmful to the environment or your health. Thank you for joining me on this journey!

Loofah Sponge + Scrubbers

PriceFrom C$3.00
  • The sponges and scrubbers are fully compostable!


    Loofahs are the dried out fibrous insides of cucumber like gourds - a natural renewable resource made by drying alone!

  • Allow to air dry between uses and avoid letting them sit in water. The Loofah Sponges can be hung to dry.


    For a deep clean, place a damp sponge or scrubber in the microwave for 30 seconds, submerge in boiling water, soak in white vinegar or toss in your dishwasher.


    At the end of life, all of these are fully compostable! Cut them into smaller pieces if you'd like, then bury them in your garden or toss in your backyard compost or green bin.

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